London man guilty in death of LHS grad Andrea Christidis

andrea hs

Andrea Christidis

Jared DeJong, 25  of London pleaded guilty Wednesday to the traffic death of Leaside High grad Andrea Christidis, 18, last October 7 as she walked home on the campus at the University of Western Ontario. An agreed statement of facts revealed that DeJong, who was not a Western student, was on campus drinking with friends at the campus pub for three or four hours. Evidence showed DeJong had an over 80 mg reading of alcohol in his blood. when his vehicle mounted a sidewalk and killed Ms Christidis. Witnesses said road conditions at the time were “perfect” and that DeJong’s vehicle was seen travelling very fast and at one point cut in front of a public transit bus. Video from the bus showed DeJong driving on the wrong side of the road. The car went through two intersections without stopping, causing other drivers had to try to avoid it., It then jumped a curb and struck Ms. Christidis, throwing her 10 metres. She died in hospital two days later. He will be sentenced April 28, 2016