There was a standing-room-only turnout Wednesday night for the South Eglinton Ratepayers and Residents Association (SERRA) seminar. The speakers were focussed on problems related to renovations by homeowners especially as they relate to the law and planning. Two volunteers, recognized in their fields, enlightened those present on such matters as “adverse possession” and the black art of long-game resistance to a neighbor who is out of control. They were lawyer Paul Hancock and Professional Planner Terry Mills. The entertaining technique of the speakers if not the technicality of every topic seemed to please those who filled the main floor meeting room at Greenwood College School..The seminar was designed to empower residents on how legal and planning systems work. SERRA reminded members of its annual meeting on Wednesday, April 20, 2016 at 6.30 at Manor Road United Church. Adverse possession by the way seems to be a kind of squatter’s rights which might prevail in bad situations. May none of us ever deal with it nor stoop to it.