Kelly Dolson’s Core Body Science Pilates and Training Studio at 862 Millwood Road will hold a special weekend workshop on the care of the body’s fascia in May. That’s the thin sheath of fibrous tissue that wraps our muscles. In the video below, Kelly and associate Veronica Pena explain the value of keeping the fascia healthy and well-stretched. To introduce this form of body care, Core Fitness will hold a weekend work shop May 28 and 29, 2016. It’s a great way to learn more about your body and see if you wish to participate in fascia classes which will take place after the workshop. Kelly Dolson is a well-known Leaside area professional with a long career in health care. She is a registered nurse and former hospital emergency care worker. Core Body Science offers classes with modified movement instructions for each client’s unique fitness profile and adapts the exercise to allow each person to work to their own potential. The studio offers a full range of services to assist clients in achieving their core strength and ease of motion, including Pilates, Personal Training, Rehab with Physiotherapy, Muscle Activation, Fascia Stretch, and Acupuncture. To inquire about the fascia workshop or other services call (416) 799-0444