Readers: Tory is “Johnny Flip-flop” for treehouse remarks

The saga of the over-sized, illegal boat-shaped treehouse in Bloor West Village took another turn Wednesday when Mayor Tory asked City Staff to review its decision that the structure must come down. He told reporters that staff members don’t want to “look like soreheads and party poopers” although none of them was present to confirm that. He went on to talk about how the staff had suggested changes which would bring the unauthorized treehouse into compliance. The builder, John Alpeza, has vowed he will not take it down. He sought approval before it was built and was turned down. The treehouse is in a dead tree. Readers of the CBC story below mostly think Mr. Tory is being soft. One called the Mayor’s remarks “the Uber Effect.” Another called him Johnny Flip-flop.  Boat-treehouse can be salvaged if dad makes some changes, mayor says