St Cuthbert’s Anglican Church Spring Fair drew several hundred people Saturday and saw many sales among the count;ess personal, household and baked goods on sale. Lorna Krawchuk, whose many duties include keeping a count of those waiting for the doors to open at 11 a.m. recorded 200 fair-goers waiting this year. Many more came later. Through the doors of Lamb Hall onto St. Cuthbert’s Green, a two-barbecue- cooker lunch was well patronized. Tasty sausages on buns were sold for a mere $2.50 each. The pleasant weather, as seen in the video above, saw many people sitting at tables or on the grass as an energetic collection of children played. The Green is a nicely sheltered retreat. It is hidden behind the old stone wall that separates it from the traffic of Bayview Ave. Like St.Cuthbert’s itself, the Green is celebrating 125 years in 2016.