Striking Swedish twins Drake’s guests on fancy whirlybird

The Toronto Star’s Nick Patch says he thinks he knows the identities of the two stunning women — identical at that — down at Polson Pier when the one and only saviour of Toronto, Drake, choppered in. Matching up their classic looks with other pictures taken at the Raptors game and elsewhere Patch has tagged the two ladies as Elizabeth and Victoria Lejonhjärta, twin women from Sweden. They are hot as models and impossibly famous for being famous. They have 26,000 followers on social media which one supposes could be monetized as they say.  Elizabeth and Victoria were riding with Drake and a friend in a luxury helicopter when it landed at Polson Pier Monday catching the attention of pesky camera bugs nearby. Drake slapped for “threats” to camera bug at Polson Pier  Slider photo by Matt Small

twins on polson slider