Bob Rae gags on PM’s perfunctory thanks to Harper

Prime Minister Trudeau offered a thank you of sorts to Stephen Harper for his service to Canada Saturday at the Liberal convention in Winnipeg. Mr. Trudeau said there could be no doubting Harper’s commitment to the country no matter what one might have thought of his politics. Bob Rae, the former member for Rosedale and one-time interim Liberal leader and former Ontario NDP Premier, made his feelings clear in a gesture that was caught on video. Later, Mr. Rae posted an apology on Twitter calling his feigned distress “a joke in poor taste that I regret very much.” The video is said by Canadian Press to have provoked both hilarity and consternation among delegates. Beyond this, though, some may wonder the precise target of the unseemly display.

  4 comments for “Bob Rae gags on PM’s perfunctory thanks to Harper

  1. I gag every time some one say Boob Raye. The biggest turncoat in Canadian politics. I cant wait for the world to be rid of the pile of garbage!

  2. Why is it people like these are such as holes? Harper is more of a man than they will ever be.

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