Mississauga City Council finds the backbone to ban Uber

Mississauga has banned Uber outright, at least for the time being. There does not appear to have been any hand-wringing similar to that in Toronto about how the community will carry on without Uber, or fear of a technology that will somehow eat the City. Seriously, in a vote of 10-2 on Wednesday afternoon Missy Council said that all ground transportation carriers must “obtain a broker licence and operate using only licensed taxi and limousine drivers, operating licensed taxi and limousine vehicles.” No tears, no fears. No surge pricing


Speaking of which, eleven Toronto taxi brokerages say they will not implement surge pricing similar to Uber despite new rules that will allow them to do so. The new ground transportation rules that were approved by City Council last week allow taxi companies to increase their fares when demand rises, so long as the higher fares are only charged to customers who use an online app and not those who hail cabs on the street or order one over the phone.