Damon, Wiig shoot final scenes of Downsizing in Leaside

The filming of the final scenes of the  Matt Damon and Kirsten Wiig movie Downsizing are said to have run well into Saturday morning on Bessborough Drive Drive at Annesley.Ave. The movie has been filming intermittently at the lovely home overlooking the intersection since early May. It appears that Mr. Damon was very accommodating around having pictures taken. Below he is seen with the wife of the picture-taker Charles Chuck Reynolds. In a note published on the Leaside Community Facebook page Mr. Reynolds wrote that Matt Damon was very gracious and posed agreeably while dressed in character after make up “with my wonderful wife”. The producer, says Reynolds, was Mark Johnson who also produced The Notebook was also very nice to meet. Then a little joke. “No, we are not hosting the cast for dinner on Bessborough this evening. (its Tuesday, lol). Friday’s filming was the apparent wrap-up of work on Bessborough for the movie. Those at the site included Louise Brisbois who posted to Leaside Community Facebook page to whom thanks from The Bulldog and also to  Wilmar Kortleever.  Previous 

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