Councillor Jon Burnside has written to residents of Bessborough Drive, McRae Drive and Parkhurst Blvd reporting that his survey of households there has not yielded enough support to proceed with lowering the speed limit from 40 km/h to 30 km/h as has been done on streets in the Toronto and East York wards of the City. Leaside is in the North York area. Burnside said that the process requires at least 25 percent of homeowners to respond with at least 51 percent asking for the change. He does not say in the letter which criteria was unmet. Road safety and particularly concern for children remains high among people. City issued lawn signs reminding drivers to slow down are popular apparently across the city. The issue for some is that the difference between 30 and 40 km/h for responsible drivers does not seem to be a material factor in safe driving. The appearance of children on a street is always a warning to slow and be cautious. The death of Georgia Walsh at the corner of McRae and Millwood Rd was attributed not to speed but carelessness. Circumstances of Georgia’s death beggar the imagination