Chit Chat rain stories, flooded SmartCentre parking

Members of the Leaside Chit Chat page have posted pictures and compared notes on Thursday’s lightning-like rainstorm between about 2 and 3 p.m. Susan Ferguson posted pictures of the inundation in the SmartCentre parking lot. There’s no drainage it seems. Sandra Creighton noted that the wild and crazy LRT corner of Bayview Ave. and Eglinton Ave. E was well-flooded as well. And indeed, the rain was torrential for nearly half an hour and quite a surprise it seems to forecasters. No thunder was noted throughout the rain storm as recorded in the south end of Leaside and in Bennington Heights/Moore Park. But the rain was selective. Paddy Duncan says she was downtown at an appointment where there wasn’t much more than a sprinkle.  Leaside Chit Chat 

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Photo Susan Ferguson via Facebook