Canada Post deadline kicked over to 12.01 a.m. Monday

Late Wednesday Canada Post kicked its lockout deadline over to Monday at 12:01 a.m. ET. It says it is willing to submit to binding arbitration in an effort to resolve the ongoing labour dispute. (Did it hear from the government?)  We know that there are no talks planned between Canada Post and the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW). Spokesman Jon Hamilton said the two sides couldn’t be further apart. The issues are money — CUPW wants more than the 1.5 percent offered — the pension limitations Canada Post says it needs to reduce costs. About 50,000 staff are waiting and will be affected. Canadian Press reports that Public Services Minister Judy Foote was warned three months ago that contract negotiations between Canada Post and CUPW were likely to lead to a strike or lockout, with officials advising the government to avoid taking sides in bargaining.