Army safely detonates mortar found at former Camp X

A World War II mortar has been found the site of Camp X near Whitby, Sir William Stephenson’s paramilitary and commando training centre during that conflict. Police say armed forces experts safely detonated the device Wednesday. The shell was found by a man who was searching Intrepid Park for artifacts and coins with a metal detector Tuesday evening. Sgt. Bill Calder told the CBC that the man found a large metal object and dug it out of the ground by hand before taking a picture of it to send to a family member. The relative then told the man it was probably dangerous, according to Calder. Police say that’s when the man called in the mortar shell around 7 p.m. Tuesday. The area of Camp X is now known as Intrepid Park after Stephenson’s code name.

camp x

Mortar a reminder of wartime work at Whitby’s Camp X