Wayne Driver has spoken about the death of his son at the hands of police as they closed in on the 24-year-old ISIS sympathizer. The videos below were recorded by the CBC in Cold Lake Alberta where the former soldier is now training to be a pastor at the Harbour Light Alliance Church. Driver chokes back tears as he reflects on his son’s alienation. The anger began brewing on the death of his mother when he was seven. It just got worse. “The light went out,” said his father. “Completely. Forever. I knew he was lost, but I didn’t know how far gone he was.”
Mr. Driver recalled how the Canadian Security Intelligence Service came to Cold Lake and met with him, revealing a thick file that contained tweets his son had sent expressing radical beliefs, and lists of radical Facebook pages Aaron had visited. “I sat there in a public doughnut shop, crying, when I found out the news, as I was trying to read these articles,” Driver said. “I tossed them back across the table and said, ‘I’ve had enough. I understand where this is going.’ Then I realized there was nothing more I could do.” CBC