Police are wisely trying to locate all the parties shown above, and a couple of others too, before they decide what to do about the case of the cabbie who swerved into a bike courier. It happened on Bay Street north of St. Mary Street on Thursday August 18, 2016. Adding an odd odour to this mixture, the video of the taxi swerving to bump the courier is supposedly the work of a Youtube video hotshot from Los Angeles on a visit to Toronto. His name is Fousey and he makes pranks of car incidents. Terrific. Some reports say police are looking for four witnesses but there are at least five seen on the video besides the courier and the cabbie.
Two of the witnesses pictured above, the bystander and the Porsche driver, seem to take the side of the taxi driver. The witness cyclist seen near the end of the tape says ominously to the cabbie that “I saw you at the last light.” The cabbie is on his cell saying the courier has been tailing him and the courier tells the cabbie “You’re going to jail.” There are two other cyclists in the background being sought as witnesses by cops. They say nothing during the video. It is clear something has been going on because whoever shot this video was inspired by ongoing activity and there may well be more of it. Okay, Mr. YouTube prankster, time to dump all your video up to the police.