Young hero Kris Chung is donor who saved Binh Wagner

It’s been revealed that the person who donated part of his liver to save the life of Binh Wagner last year was Kris Chung. a 21-year-old cadet at the Royal Military College in Kingston. Today, after a period of anonymity following his selfless act, Chung has gained some comfort with his role as a hero to the Wagner family — and many others too. The Wagner story is one of enormous courage and decency. Joanne and Michael Wagner adopted twin Vietnamese girls, Binh and Phuoc at 18 months. But the girls were both afflicted with a  rare disease that attacked their internal organs.  They needed liver transplants. Amazingly, Mr. Wagner himself was a match for such a transplant but he could not do it twice and survive. The Wagner’s asked physicians to make the choice of which child would receive the transplant. The medical team decided on Phuoc. That left Binh facing death until a total stranger emerged as a perfect donor. Chung was moved by a picture of Michael Wagner, who is also a soldier, with his nine children. He says he knew he had to make the donation. The remarkable details of how this fine young man applied as a donor, then arranged to get leave from his classes, place his affairs in order with his brother and travel to Toronto to save a life are contained in the linked CBC story. It is very moving. CBC

chung and wagners

Kris Chung with Binh and Phuoc Wagner and Joanne Wagner