Month: September 2016

Police seek driver who shot at truck on Highway 401

Police need help to find the driver of a car who fired several shots at a transport truck as both vehicles sped east on Highway 401 near Bayview Ave. Tuesday.  It happened about 1.15 p.m. in the express lanes as the truck neared Bayview. No one was hit and the car, described only as small and blue, fled east. The truck driver pulled over to the side of the road and the car fled eastbound on Highway 401

Immigrant boy confined, denied schooling for two years

A London Ontario court has heard the case of a 10-year-old immigrant boy who was denied freedom to play, schooling, adequate food or even. it seems, clean clothes. The Canadian Press story has no information about where the lad was from when he landed in this country two years ago to live with his aunt and uncle. No names of any kind are given. It is another astonishing instance of a child being treated in the most unconscionable way by people who are not the parents. Were they motivated by an aberration? Cruelty, poverty or utter ignorance? We don’t know. The aunt and uncle were sentenced Wednesday to 18 months in jail and two years of probation for their dereliction and abuse. They have apologized to the court and to the boy for his treatment. He was found wearing urine-stained pajama after an anonymous tip brought the CAS to the door. He was seen in silhouette inside and police were called.

Starbucks sinkhole! “A big bang, water through door”

Soudan Ave is closed between Mt. Pleasant and Brownlow Ave. Wednesday and the normally friendly patio at Starbucks looks like a bomb crater. It was about 4 o’clock Tuesday when staff and customers heard an enormous “bang” and then saw water shooting up out of the patio. Customers scrambled and water was flooding into the shop through the Soudan Ave door and down the steps into coffee-making land. Thousands have since then seen the video (below) of the unfortunate Starbucks customer (she’s a regular) who lost her footing and fell into what looks like three or more feet of water. People ran to the rescue, including Ryan Dawson, who shot the video. The woman was rescued and will be okay.


Soudan Ave. closed between Mt. Pleasant and Brownlow


Welcome to our patio

Bitter harvest as boos greet Premier at ploughing match

It might not have been unexpected but spectators and fair goers at the annual ploughing match in Thamesville soundly booed Premier Wynne yesterday. Southwestern Ontario has a deep grievance about so-called wind farms and the apparently related cost of electricity. One man said his hydro bills had increased 35 percent since Ms. Wynne assumed the office.  CBC