Rotary Corn Roast good family fun, political back-slapper

The Annual Leaside Rotary Club Corn Roast was well-attended Sunday afternoon. Tickets to the raffle were still three for $12 — a bargain even if you don’t win. The legions of children crowding Trace Manes Park were in good spirits — and why not — with the array of bouncy, slide and wheeled concessions to occupy them. Then, as democracy pretty much requires, politicians from the three levels of government were present mostly with tents to announce themselves. Rob Oliphant, MP for Don Valley West, might include an instructional segment on corn roasts in his seminars this fall about the will of the people. Premier Wynne was present and tweeted that she had run into her friend Rob Oliphant. Remarkable coincidence. In the tweet below, the Premier could well get out-ranked by those good-looking kids. Nice shot. Councillor Jon Burnside’s Ward 26 tent had a lineup. Was that about cotton candy? Well done to the Rotarians who organize this fine event each year and to the many sponsors. Thanks.