Out of nowhere it seems comes a discussion at the TTC set for this Wednesday (September 28) on the possible use of “microtransit” to complement everything from buses to subways. The report gives only fragments of the idea and isn’t clear whether the TTC might just hire Uber (ride-sharing) or contract a small firm to run minibuses. The report says that “microtransit” companies could be a solution for neighbourhoods that often go underserved by public Some of the benefits of using microtransit outlined in the report include supporting people in “hard-to-serve” areas, reducing requirement of large transit vehicles and replacing private automobiles for some travel. The report also outlines several conflicts that could emerge should city council choose to push forward on micro-transit including increased congestion should this service be deployed widely, creating operational conflict with TTC vehicles, attracting ridership, and therefore revenue, away from TTC vehicles.