Plank roads, single lane traffic at Eglinton and Mt Pleasant

The informative Metrolinx meeting at Eglinton Public School Wednesday night saw a good crowd of residents asking questions about the Eglinton LRT construction. As is the format at these meetings, storyboards which told the story were placed around the room. Most importantly, this winter will see at least three months excavation on Eglinton and Mt. Pleasant as crews build the underground part of the Mt. Pleasant stop. This will mean the road will be narrowed and at some points vehicles will travel over wooden planks and concrete cover. Traffic at the intersection will be reduced to one lane north and south as well as one lane east and west. Only after the underground work is finished will the 1920 stones of the Imperial Bank bulding be put back together on the northwest corner to form the above-ground part of the main station. At present the long-time site of the bank is merely a hole in the ground. Large doors to accommodate heavy pedestrian traffic will be inserted on the Mt. Pleasant side but the gracious corner front door (Palladian style) will also be a working entrance with retail business of some sort inside. Nice. Below, a picture of the secondary entrance also on the north of side of Eglinton east of The Moore retirement home which is on the northeast corner.

At least three months of one-lane traffic here

Re-built 1920 bank will have doors on Mt. Pleasant for LRT riders

Secondary station entrance is east of The Moore retirement home


Aerial view shows added touches like canopies at the doors