Six “new and improved” senators appointed by PM Trudeau

 Gwen Boniface, Kim Pate, Tony Dean, Howard Wetston, Sarabjit Marwah, Lucie Moncion 

In Ottawa, the prime minister has appointed six senators for Ontario. These are the new improved non-partisan kind. They are estimable men and women so let’s wait and see. They are Gwen Boniface, the first woman to preside as Commissioner of the OPP,  Kim Pate, executive director of the Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry Societies and an assistant professor at the University of Ottawa’s Faculty of Law, Ontario cabinet secretary Tony Dean, former Scotiabank vice chairman Sarabjit Marwah, Howard Wetston, a former federal court judge and head of the Ontario Securities Commission and Lucie Moncion, president and CEO of a network of credit unions that serve Ontario francophone communities


It’s big news to Forum Research apparently that Torontonians do not support the long-term closure of sidewalks and traffic lanes in the city due to lengthy construction projects. The poll showed 76 percent opposed. As Clark Kent’s editor Perry White might have said: “It would news if they weren’t.”


SmartTrack and associated transit improvements are estimated to cost seven billion dollars and Toronto will ante up $3.7 billion of that, City Manager Peter Wallace reports Monday in details of the sharing agreement with the City. It may mean tax increases and that is the best reason yet that Toronto should have nothing to do with spending billions more on Expo 2015. CBC