Doc Pashby Fund to make $500,000 gift to Leaside Gardens

The South Bayview Bulldog has learned that the Dr. Tom Pashby Sports Safety Fund will make a donation of $500,000 to the Leaside Memorial Community Gardens. The official announcement and celebration of this gift is scheduled to be held in the William Lea Room at the arena on Thursday, January 19, 2017.  The Pashby Sports Safety Fund commemorates and advances the work of the late Dr. Tom Pashby. “Doc Pashby” made it his goal to forge hockey into a safer sport. The East York ophthalmologist was a life-long advocate of ice safety. He fought for protective equipment and mandatory helmets and face guards. He also led the push for penalties for cross checking and other actions that could lead to back or eye injuries. His tireless efforts won him the Order of  Canada, among other honours. To suitably recognize the donation and Dr. Pashby’s work, Rink A at the Leaside Gardens (opened in 2013) will be named the Dr. Tom Pashby Play Safely Rink. Chair of the Leaside Arena Board and the East York Foundation, Raymond J. White, has thanked the directors of the Pashby Fund Board, Bill and Bob Pashby, for making this extraordinary gift possible. He said it will be a lasting legacy to Dr  Pashby, his community spirit and important work in sports safety.