Trump vows to return power to “forgotten” Americans

Donald Trump is the 45th president of the United States. His ascension to the famously imperial U.S. presidency has been celebrated both as a victory for American working people and denounced as a declaration of political war against the rest of the world. Trump’s speech Thursday was a fairly relentless reiteration of his view that previous governments have betrayed the country. He spoke firmly of his intent to make his priority the advancement of the United States working class. His tone was softer as he addressed the peaceful transition of power which is the glory of modern democracy. He called the outgoing president and his wife “outstanding” for their gracious assistance in the process. He later said he was “honoured” that his opponent, Hillary Clinton, attended the inaugural lunch. As he spoke there were riots in Washington. A limousine of unknown ownership was set on fire as seen in the SKY News video below. Among immediate changes noticed were mentions of his daughter’s jewellery line on the White House website.