Mike Crawley writes on scurrilous posts targeting premier

We’re fond of telling each other how far the world has come by merely citing the calendar. It’s 2016. It’s 2017 and so on. Sadly, with each passing year the Era of the Internet reveals the capacity for an entire underclass of vulgar people to vent inbred anger. They’ve always been there. So it is, as reported by Mike Crawley of the CBC that the Twitter, Instagram and other social media accounts in the name of the member for Don Valley West, Kathleen Wynne, are often defaced by obscene and hateful comments.  We can’t believe that the Premier even reads them. You don’t get to be where she is by worrying about such stuff. The truth about 2017 is that much of the media is no longer moderated by editors and publishers who try to set a standard of decency for their publications. A misstep or two while you’re on Youtube will curl your hair.