Community fully engaged in Manor Road park proposals

A meeting of residents was fully engaged Monday evening at Manor Road United Church in a discussion of proposals for the two new parks to be created on Manor Road  The meeting was convened by Josh Matlow (Ward 22) and lasted about two hours.  It heard from and saw the work of landscape consultants Lori Philp and Shira Davis of the firm of Victor Ford and Associates Inc. The parks, located at 196 and 240 Manor, will be themed and equipped in “park west” as a passive green space for adults and at “park east” a place for children.


Those present asked many questions and offered suggestions broad in scope and narrow in detail. These included dogs (no off-leash runs) water (available from an installed main at 240 but not at 196) the style of benches and play structures  (in process)  flowers (perennials) trees and shrubs (yes) and fences (where needed for children). Someone suggested a bocci pitch at 196. A lively discussion was had on play structures at 240 Manor. Conventional playground equipment such as swings and see-saws have been set aside for communal climbing “jams”. One of these is a so-called Log Jam (see above) and another called a Log Tower and slide. Something named a water table in planned. It permits children to pump water onto a wooden table and play with it as it runs off.


The budget for both parks is $700,000. In a closing note Mr. Matlow dealt with the need to name the parks in a way suitable to the public-spirited collaboration of the church in the plan to build the park at 240. The name Manor Road United Church Park seems inevitable. It has occupied this corner for nearly a century. Further meetings are planned.