Leaside bank robber hits Scotiabank at Laird and Eglinton

A bandit who police say is seen on surveillance captures here robbed the Bank of Nova Scotia on Thursday, November 17, 2016, at 2:45 p.m. and made off with some cash. He was disguised with a black wavy wig, dark sunglasses, and a baseball cap, he produced a hold-up note to the teller, indicating he was armed with a gun. He discarded an Exco Jean jacket as he fled east on Eglinton. It is further reported that on Thursday, December 1, 2016, at 7:10 p.m., the same man entered another bank in Leaside. He was disguised with a hat, hooded jacket and dark sunglasses and he again produced a hold-up note to the teller, indicating he was armed with a gun The man is described as 5’9″ – 6’, medium build. A security camera image is now available.