Medical Acupuncture now at Leaside Core Body Studio

Kelly Dolson of the busy Core Body Science Pilates Studio at 862 Millwood Rd has added a potent new medical technique to her many nursing skills with her personal certification in the Medical Neurofunctional Acupuncture program at McMaster University. The program is only open to those who are doctors, RNs and others governed by professional colleges.

The scope of care Kelly provides is now wider and clients who combine acupuncture into their private sessions are finding they have greater mobility and a lot less cranky body parts.  It seems to be a great combination. Kelly notes that a single session yields a positive change and outcome in the issue.

Contemporary Medical Acupuncture, also known as Neurofunctional Acupuncture is a precise nerve stimulation technique, in which acupuncture needles are inserted into defined sites and stimulated for the therapeutic purpose of altering abnormal activity of the nerves in musculoskeletal pain and movement disorders, sports injuries, functional problems, headaches, stress-related disorders and chronic pain. Changes are created in the peripheral nerves/muscles, spinal cord, brain stem, brain and cerebellum (motor control centre). The magnitude of how much of the problem lives in each area depends on the severity and length of the issue and influences how the treatment is approached. The needles are painless on insertion.

Anyone who has done soft tissue and manipulation therapies with limited success. When these therapies are combined in the same session with neurofunctional acupuncture the results are unprecedented in creating positive change in motor function and reduction of pain.

Like NeuroKinetic Therapy, Neurofunctional Acupuncture reprograms the brain and muscles’ understanding of the injury to restore function and eliminate pain. Neurofunctional Acupuncture addresses the issues through more complex pathways on a biological, metabolic and chemical level. Unlike other forms of acupuncture Contemporary Medical Neurofunctional Acupuncture can determine the dysfunction on multiple global and minute levels. A truly individual treatment plan can be created with success measured by functional outcome measures.