Month: February 2017

Halifax-Toronto flight blows tire and slides off runway

Air Canada #623 from Halifax blew a tire on landing at Toronto Friday. There was a scary moment or two as the plane slid off the runway. No one was hurt.

TRUMP: Not end of democracy but petty and self-defeating

Donald Trump blocked CNN and the New York Times from attending a White House “gaggle” Friday. A gaggle is a variation on a scrum, reporters gathered in a gang to hear from a politician or someone else who has something to say. He shouldn’t have done it. This is not because democracy will live or die because of it. But kicking out reporters you don’t like is petty and, in the end, self-defeating. It does not, as some claim, stop anyone from questioning Trump’s message.

No parking, no problem and why people resent the police

The picture of a parking enforcement car dumped on Belsize Drive in brazen disregard of the no parking sign says it all.  Forget whether you think the City is running a cynical cash grab with its parking program. Opinion may differ on that. But there is no question that the person who parked this car is breaking the law, doing it purposefully and with the complicity of fellow police personnel who choose to let him/her do it. These are simple facts. It is behaviour for which anyone else would be ticketed, perhaps even towed. It would not do to say that you had just stopped for a minute or two (you know, to issue a few parking tickets for the kids). No, you would get the ticket and pay it because after all, you would not have a leg to stand on in court. The police and their political masters on City Council should have no surprise about the reasonable resentment and in some cases distrust of the police that flows from practices like this.

Siberian Tigers bat drone from sky but find it’s not edible

Surprised naturalists who were using a drone to record the action at the Siberian Tiger Park in China’s Heilongjiang province have had their flying camera snatched out of the sky and destroyed by the curious animals. One tiger showed remarkable energy in leaping up to bat the drone to the ground. The tigers tried to eat it. Then it caught fire. Altogether quite a disappointment for the big cats and the drone owner. In 2016, the World Wildlife Fund announced that for the first time in a century the population of tigers in the wild rose, getting a 20 percent boost in numbers since 2010.

Criminal lawyer Marie Henein will defend top RCN sailor

The highly-secret reasons for the removal of Vice Admiral Mark Norman from his position of vice-chief of the defense staff will be challenged in court by none other than Marie Henein, the ace lawyer who guided broadcaster Jian Ghomeshi to a complete acquittal last year. Henein is saying today that her client is a victim of “bureaucratic crossfire” and stresses the need for a rapid resolution to the charges. She notes his 30 years of honourable service to the country. At the time of the vice admiral’s suspension, the CBC wrote a story which hinted broadly the government was alleging that he had somehow helped a firm competing for a shipbuilding contract. Canada is in the midst of deciding what type of new frigates it needs.

50-storey tower proposed for Jarvis south of Gerrard

Urban Toronto reports on a huge proposal at 319-323 Jarvis Street that has been submitted to the City’s planning department. It asks for bylaw amendment to allow a 50-storey mixed-use condominium with retail at grade, three levels of underground parking and 506 residential units. Designed by Page+Steele/IBI Group, the project would replace the existing Comfort Inn, as well as the commercial low-rise building immediately to the north. The mixed-use component of the project includes a 226 m² retail space at ground level.