Month: February 2017

Many drivers flee Bloor St. because of new bicycle lanes

Drivers slow down or avoid streets where there are bicycle lanes and especially where there are large numbers of bicycles. This is the entirely predictable discovery from the first couple of months of bike lanes on Bloor Street between Ossington Ave. to Bay St. Drivers as a group get it that cyclists and cars are not particularly compatible. The mayor’s office is saying in the face of this early data that the City “will take steps” to help cars move faster. These steps are not named. In the meantime, 22 percent of the drivers who used to travel on Bloor have fled the street. Cycling has increased as a percentage total traffic (to 18 percent) largely as a result of this change according to CP24. Release issued at 9 a.m. Friday

Anonymous soul returns irreplaceable personal papers

There is relief and gratitude in the South Bayview home of the Rethnazy family Thursday night after an anonymous person returned an envelope to the residence mailbox. The envelope had been misplaced during errands to Shoppers Drug Mart, Best Way Cleaners and CIBC. It contained Nathalie Rethnazy’s daughter’s report card “as well as tons of personal information.” Irreplaceable. It was feared stolen but a soul so typically decent of this area returned it without waiting for a thank you. Nathalie is begging whoever it is to please send mail so she can make proper thanks. On Leaside Community Facebook page she writes: “THANK YOU…and also thanks to everyone who called/PMd me today-what an amazing neighbourhood we live in….thank you so much.”  We say amen.

Board passes plan to modernize Toronto Police Service

The plan to modernize the Toronto Police Service was passed by the police board Thursday amid expressions of optimism by the current mayor and angry criticism from former mayor John Sewell. The plan seems to be largely a mystery to people at large. The current intention to merge police divisions has focussed more on 54 and 55 Divisions and less on 53 Division. Why these areas have become issues is also lost on many. There is certainly less crime in east-central Midtown. The thrust to move officers to areas of higher crime is contentious with the rank and file. It has brought ferocious opposition from the police union. Former mayor Sewell was deeply doubtful that the plan would ever be implemented. The hoped for reform has its origins in the cost of policing Toronto.


Also this week, Chief Saunders has said that the Pride Toronto organisation is behind in its plans for security at the annual parade through downtown in June. It is an enormous event drawing people from across the continent. The police are duty-bound by the Police Services Act of Ontario to make provision for the public safety in such circumstances.  At the same time, the current atmosphere at Pride is that the police are not wanted in the parade. Black Lives Matters presumes to speak for Pride. They say the police make them feel threatened  It is a nice state of affairs.


18 CELSIUS: Robins reported in Mt. Pleasant cemetery

Toronto has seen a record February 23 as the temperature reached 15.1 C at Pearson at 11 a.m.  It shot up all the way to 18 C as the day progressed. The previous record for February 23 was 14.9 C in 1984 and the average daytime high on that day is only -0.1 C. Winter hangs on however and more seasonal temperatures will arrive Friday with a high of 4 C. Saturday is looking good with a predicted high of 12 C. The re-appearance of Robins, as seen in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery by local residents, is a clear sign of Spring is closer than normal.

Storm Doris a nasty “weather bomb” across Britain

Storm Doris brought 90 mph winds to the UK Thursday morning and snow to Scotland. The storm was a so-called a ‘weather bomb’ -– a term which is becoming increasingly common currency in Britain. So, what exactly IS a weather bomb? The phenomenon is also known as “explosive cyclogenesis” — an American term to describe a rapid fall in the central pressure of a storm system. Anyway, you don’t want to be in it.