A statement from the police chief says the service will accede to the expressed wishes of the Pride membership to have no TPS presence in this summer’s event. The statement doesn’t say it, but police will provide security at the parade. They are required by their duty under the law to do that. The decision is being cast as a triumph of “dialogue” by Councillor Shelley Carroll and others. The mayor said he respects the decision but is disappointed and frustrated “by the current situation.” As the day proceeded, discussion of the matter was reduced to complaints about carding and other perceived issues relating to race. Advocates offered unchallenged statements that LGBTQ and others are “experiencing violence at the hands of the police every single day.” There seems little chance to remedy issues that are stated this way. It also seems that the majority of LGBTQ persons are the losers in this matter.
It’s an unfortunate situation on all sides. On one hand, you have a police force in Toronto that is generally applauded for the handling of the majority of their encounters. On the other hand, you have a group of people who are very definitely mistreated around north america. It’s hard to separate the two.
Here’s hoping relations can improve to the point that everyone can be invited to march together again in the future.