Thief robs teen’s new Beats headphones from inside door

Alison Simpson has posted video on the Leaside Community Facebook group showing a man in a hoodie taking a package from inside the screen door of her home. She reports that this was a shipment for her 14-year son of some Beats headphones delivered earlier in the day. The thief is fairly unrecognizable but the site is here. It is a private group however and you may not be able to see the video. The home is in North Leaside east of Laird Drive. Heather Rose added that a member of Davisville Moms had posted a warning Tuesday of a guy in a hoodie driving a white car taking packages. She says: “He got someone’s diaper delivery yesterday. Joke’s on him in that case…but what a loser. Definitely share this video with police!!!” Definitely.