Christina Nguyen is safe at home on Romanoway Drive in 12 Division after a harrowing morning for her parents and much anxiety right across the City. The child was left by her mother in the back seat of the family car in the driveway of their home while she went to fetch her other daughter. That’s when a target-of-opportunity thief jumped into the running vehicle and drove off. From about 6 a.m. to sometime after 9 a.m. police and public were galvanized by an Amber Alert to find Christina. Reports flowed in from across the GTA of car sightings, some of them saying the vehicle was speeding and weaving erratically. Police believe, in fact, that the thief soon realized the problem he faced and dumped the car, with Christina inside, in the parking lot of a townhouse development in Weston near Church St and Rosemount Ave. The location was less than two kilometres from her home. Who found the vehicle and phoned in the plate number is as yet unknown. But there seems little doubt that the car was there for most of the time the search went on. After paramedics checked the child for any injury, she was released to her parents and driven home by police. Christina’s state of mind seemed quite good from evidence at a distance as she was calm and gave both police and paramedics a high-five as she left the scene.