The crisis point seems near for an estimated 200 tenants staging a rent strike in Parkdale. One landlord, AIMco, has started eviction action against tenants who withheld their May rent in protest against a reported increase of five percent, three and a half percent above the standard 1.5 percent. The added sum is justified by improvements which were made to the buildings. The increase may or may not be justified but it does seem within the provisions of the law. Cole Webber, who is with the Parkdale Community Legal Services, said AIMCo has initiated evictions on tenants who refused to pay their rent at the beginning of this month. His complaint is not without merit but may not be quite to the point. “AIMCo claims socially responsible investment practices. We fail to see what is socially responsible about evicting low-income people from their homes in the middle of a housing crisis.” There has been talk of a rent strike among some tenants in Thorncliffe Park but it does not appear to have taken root, at least so far. AIMco and another landlord, MetCap are facing the rent strike.