Does Ontario need a Ministry of Cyber-Systems Integrity?

The UK defense secretary has said that the hospitals in the National Health Service were warned repeatedly to make sure their systems were as up to date as possible against hacking. There’s a lot of blame to go around for Friday’s sitting duck theft of medical records in the NHS. In Ontario, it appears that Oshawa General Hospital was infected with the WannaCry ransomware worm. Was it dumb luck we escaped worse?


Reasonable citizens would very much love to listen in on phone calls from the Ontario Ministry of Health to hospitals across the province. It’s not just the outrageous ransom paid out in that untraceable criminal currency known as Bitcoin. It’s the lives that are bound to be lost if health systems are turned upside down like this. Maybe Ontario needs a Ministry of Cyber-Systems Integrity. It seems that our lives depend on it — literally. Might be more useful than money spent on trying to perfect the species. BBC