“Magical” antibiotic promises progress against super bug


Scientists at the Scripps Research Institute in the US say a breakthrough antibiotic may promise an effective treatment of super bug infections within five years. Early results with a re-engineered version of an old antibiotic has proven “magical” they say in killing super bugs. The new version of vancomycin is much more effective at fighting Enterococci bacteria, which is found in hospitals and can cause dangerous wound and blood infections. To the right, horrifying video of a raft loaded with refugees from Africa blowing up off the shore of Spain. Rescue services from Spain and Portugal were at the scene. And get ready for an NDP-Green Party government in British Columbia. It sets the stage for a huge road block to the Kinder Morgan pipeline. This is the project intended to help Canada sell oil to China. But who needs that, right? Also, work in Calgary on a leak-proof pipeline.