Leaside resident David Bryant is readying a Canada 150 fireworks display for Monday, July 3 at the Leaside High School field beneath the hill that forms a natural grandstand for local families. He has scheduled the start for approximately 9.15 p.m. The show is produced by Bryant and a group of local residents for the benefit of Leaside families and guests. Although the show is free there is obviously a cost to buying the fireworks and in that regard Bryant is asking anyone who feels able to donate $20 by email do so. His address is bryantdavid@live.ca. (Keep in mind that the Interac mail transfer is offline tonight because of difficulties. Best to check at @INTERAC before sending.) Those wishing to donate at the field may do so before the show. Bryant says: “Come early and enjoy the park. Please bring chairs, blankets, food & drink, sparklers, baseball gloves and other fun supplies for the evening. We’ll start lighting up the sky around 9:15pm and finish about 10:15-10:30pm. So, if you’re away for the weekend you have time to get back and join us and finish it in style.”