LIVE: Toronto and EY Community Council – June 13, 2017

Some items of local interest:

TE25.11 (10:00 AM)  1955-1985 Yonge Street, 3 Belsize Drive, and 18-22 Millwood Road – Site Plan Control Application – Final Report  (Ward 22)
TE25.13 (10:00 AM)  703-713 Soudan Avenue and 1674-1684 Bayview Avenue – Rental Housing Demolition Application Under Municipal Code Chapter 667 – Final Report  (Ward 22 – Statutory: Planning Act, RSO 1990)
TE25.15 (10:00 AM)  124 Belsize Drive – Draft Plan of Common Elements Condominium Application and Part Lot Control Exemption Application – Final Report  (Ward 22)
TE25.19 (10:30 AM)  55 and 65 Broadway Avenue – Zoning Amendment Application – Request for Direction Report  (Ward 22)
TE25.20 (10:30 AM)  492 – 498 Eglinton Avenue East and 3-7 Cardiff Road – Official Plan and Zoning Amendment Applications – Request for Direction  (Ward 22)
TE25.58 39 and 41 Roehampton Avenue and 50 Eglinton Avenue East – Zoning Amendment Application – Preliminary Report  (Ward 22) Amended
TE25.59 1982-1984 Yonge Street – Zoning Amendment Application – Preliminary Report  (Ward 22) Adopted
TE25.108 Bringing Laneway Suites to the Toronto and East York District  (Ward 18, 32) Held By
Ana Bailão