Will Tim’s have to hide Honey Crullers under the counter?

What’s coming next to your favorite fatty food coffee stop as Health Canada ponders a widespread ban on the marketing of unhealthy food to anyone 17 and under. The possible strictures to young hands glomming onto a Honey Cruller are said to include hiding the donuts under the counter or inside a locked cupboard like cigarettes. In addition, you can forget all those ads saying things like “Hey, Canada, Go for the Glazed.” Nope. Kids might see it and (gasp) gobble one down. According to the CBC, which might be more excited about this than The Bulldog, the ban could cover everything from TV, online and print advertising to product labelling, in-store displays and even end some sponsorships for sports teams. The federal government announced the first step in St. John’s Saturday morning by launching public consultations on how foods are marketed to kids in Canada. “Most of the foods that are marketed to kids are these ones that are high in fat, high in sugar, high in sodium, so that’s what we’re looking at,” said Hasan Hutchinson, director general at Health Canada, who is overseeing the consultations. Very nice to know that Canadian humanity is being so well watched.