12th annual Neighbours Night Out in Thorncliffe Saturday

The 12th annual Neighbours Night Out in Thorncliffe Park, the biggest community event of the year in Thorncliffe Park, will be held on Saturday, July 15, 2017 from 2 to 8 p.m. in the R.V. Burgess Park (main entrance at 46 behind 48 Thorncliffe Park Drive).  Neighbours’ Night Out represents a wonderful opportunity for residents, friends and visitors to get together and enjoy a summer afternoon and evening together – accompanied by refreshments, cultural arts and crafts, musical entertainment, games and activities for all ages, bazaar tables, and food prepared by local businesses. This year being Canada’s 150 Anniversary celebration we are pleased to partner with the  City of Toronto which is presenting part of the MomenTO program — a Mobile Museum that “pops up” at festival and community events to take the City’s Canada 150 program city wide. The Mobile Museum will feature an interactive presentation of images and artifacts that tell the stories of remarkable people, places and events from Toronto’s past. In addition there will be a two-part stage based session on “Thorncliffe Park and its significance to Canada”, and its flip side: Canada and its significance to the people of Thorncliffe Park. We know Thorncliffe Park has some interesting stories that are significant to the history of Canada and Toronto — Release