Parking-lot rage reveals civilizing effect of women on men

The Video Wheel begins at home this Wednesday with a YouTube chronicle of an (um) parking-lot rage event outside the Cedarbrae No Frills. To be sure, this has nothing to do with the Loblaws sub. It is, however, heartening to see the women telling the men to stop. Was it Margaret Mead who said civilization is solely the result of the moderating effect of women on men? Then, for reasons not very apparent, No Frills has launched a quirky advertising campaign which among other oddities suggests that the cost of food is related to jazz trios playing in the produce department. All we can say is where? Below that, a charming report from City News on Officer Dale. Well done, guy. And finally, what do you do when your dog eats your wedding cake the day of the reception? Why you smile and pet him, of course.