Two young men have drowned in Georgian Bay after their inflatable boat overturned at Wasaga Beach Saturday. The victims were in their mid 20s and came from Collingwood and Caledon, police said. Witnesses saw them floundering and crying out for help before they disappeared in choppy waters. Their bodies were found about 2 p.m., an hour after the accident.
Thousands of green-coloured capsules containing rabies vaccine will be dropped by air in the western half of Toronto starting in July as a preventive move against outbreaks among raccoons, skunks, foxes and bats. The program will cost about $4 million. There have been no confirmed cases of what is known as fox strain or raccoon strain rabies in Toronto wildlife since December 2015.
A motorcyclist, 19, is in hospital with serious injuries from a wipe-out at Kipling Avenue and The Westway Saturday about 7 p.m. As many as four vehicles were involved in various ways in the loss of control by the young man aboard the bike. Police are looking at speed as a cause.