Sadder and stranger than fiction is the drama in India where security forces marched through a northern town on Saturday to maintain calm after supporters of a quasi-religious sect leader protested his rape conviction with violence that left at least 36 people dead. Perhaps even more unreal, the matchup of Floyd Mayweather and Conor McGregor in which McGregor, surprisingly, goes the distance. But hey, how about the Tiger cub smuggled into the US from Tijuana? It is now recovering at the San Diego Zoo. And finally, the world air guitar championships have been held in Oulo, Finland. Matt “Airistotle” Burns of the US defended is title followed by Patrick “Ehrwolf” Culek of Germany and Alexander “The Jinja Assassin” of Australia, who tied for second place. Japan’s 15-year-old Show-Show placed third. And below, a bonus to this video wheel on how dogs have changed in a century, Saturday having been National Dog Day.
30 dead in India where riots greet rape conviction of guru