Full stop kids say sign means what it says! How about you?

These smartly decked-out kids from the Glenvale Blvd and Hanna Rd. neighbourhood are walking warnings to drivers who do the Leaside Slide. Seriously, it’s a lesson every driver should take to heart. The issue is especially keenly felt in North Leaside as traffic flees the LRT construction mayhem. Among the tactics employed by the full stop kids is to blow a whistle and hold up their hands to remind the sliders to stop. Real estate agent Charlene Kalia is a mom to one of the children, Madelyn Sergnese. Others are Abigail Burns, Mackenzie and Myra Gilland, Aiden, James and Olivia Laham and Kaitlyn Towle. Plan to block off Glenvale, Broadway and Craig at Bayview