Residents petition to remove new bike lanes from Woodbine

Residents in the area of Woodbine Ave. have launched a petition on calling for the removal of new bicycle lanes. They say the congestion caused by the lanes has driven vehicles down side streets, imperiling children, that local traffic is slower and few cyclists use the lanes. They say that a new concept of parking which places cars between bike lanes and traffic causing occupants of to cross between bike traffic is inherently unsafe. By Wednesday morning 1766 people had signed the petition.


A survey done by Ipsos Reid in 2009 states that 16 per cent said they used their bicycles to commute to work or school, up from 11 per cent in 1999. And many of those who commute by bike are riding more days a week than in the past. The synopsis of this poll published by the City makes no reference to the frequency of use in bad weather or how many people maintain a vehicle as an alternative.  At the same time, it seems clear that the population is growing older and necessarily less likely to be riding a bicycle.

  1 comment for “Residents petition to remove new bike lanes from Woodbine

  1. Yes….I love to bike but I am a senior and will not use to go downtown…However, I used to park on Woodbine to take the subway but now it is not possible.

    In addition, Where the snow will be in the winter, how the traffic will be impacted when the snow plow pass??

    I almost hit a white post the other day….only one post and white near O’connor before the entrance to the Drug Store…I cannot believe it. Further more….I was waiting behind a car on Woodbine and realize that the car was parked…(seems to me in the middle of the road)….but the car was in a real parking stop.

    How do we turn to the left or right …do we block the bike line or we stop the whole traffic…important facts.


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