Posts to Leaside Community Facebook page tell of rowdy kids in numbers estimated at 200 roaming streets in South Leaside Sunday night. There was much disturbance and possibly damage done variously on Southvale, Bessborough, Sutherland, Leacrest and Rolph, to name five. Police had to be called to break up the carousing. One witness says it was “quite a mob scene at Southvale/Rolph and on Leacrest.” The post goes on: “I’ll bet the apologetic neighbour will be apologizing to his parents, bigly! It was a good learning experience for my tween to see what happens when this stuff gets out on social media. Michael Nourse said that 200 was not an exaggeration. Kate Craig wrote that on Friday “there was a car with about 30 kids sitting on top of it driving down Bessborough. Beer bottles in hands. Crazy.” Patrick Rocca said “idiots ran up the front hood of my convertible, literally, over the roof and down back..thank gawd no damage, just footprints…gonna check out my security camera film tonight..I know where the party was.” Vanessa Campbell agreed: “Yes crazy mob last night, I couldn’t believe how many kids were going into that house. I was curious if the party throwers themselves called the cops as it was getting too out of hand, and they needed help clearing all the people out!”