Upper left, Debra Kuchme representing the Bayview-Leaside BIA makes the presentation of a $700 cheque to Claire Richardson of the Evergreen charity. Evergreen has a mission to make cities healthy, green and “to make cities flourish” by connecting neighbourhoods to nature. They created the Evergreen Brickworks. The funds are from proceeds of the Apple Fest Day event. Top centre, the reliable Twitter and Instagram poster Nancy A. Lewis of East York sends a picture of Purple Plum Cake. Home made Nancy? Below that, a lovely shot taken Saturday by Tim Fallis (brother of the Moore Park author Terry) of the Don Valley from the Leaside Bridge. Upper right, Maurice Cody principal Robert Nigro and vice principal Adelia Vela thank crossing guard Evelyn for her year’s of careful watchfulness at the Cleveland St. crossing. Thanks Evelyn. Lower left, the remarkable appearance of another entrance and exit for customers at 1860 Bayview Ave. It is now legal to come and go from the Broadway parking garage door when previously it wasn’t. Go figure. Then finally, a reminder of Leaside Presbyterian’s Merry Market, coming up Saturday November 4, 2017.