Forest Hill cat burglar grabs pricey loot while victims home

A cat burglar has made off with expensive watches and jewellery from two Forest Hill residences, one of them while the owners were at home but unaware of the theft. It appears a ladder was used in both cases to enter the homes. In the first break-in, the ladder was waiting for the thief laying beside the house. The burglar broke through a second floor window and took “items of very high value.” In a second case, a ladder was found and used to access a second-floor balcony off the master bedroom. Entry was made by an unlocked door and again loot of high value was taken. The residents were home at the time, however they were in another part of the home, and only became aware of the occurrence after the suspect(s) had already left  The two target homes are close together. Police are urging the public to take the following steps to help prevent further incident by locking all doors and windows each night and ensure all house alarms (if any) are active. They also recommend keeping porch lights and side lights on. Keep garage doors locked at all times and hide ladders away.