Halloween cometh, new entry off Broadway at 1860 Bayview

Upper left, Michael Renaud of Horticultural Design at 1610 Bayview Ave. poses with some charming Halloween novelties for the approaching feast of ghostliness. Upper centre, it is now possible to enter and exit the parking garage at 1860 Bayview by way of the Broadway Ave door. This was banned until now and the process by which it changed is unknown. But the change makes it much easier to get into and out of the garage considering the traffic crisis that exists for several blocks on either side of Eglinton. Top right, a reminder of the Fall Fair set for Saturday at Manor Road United Church, 240 Manor Rd. Down below left, the St. Cuthbert’s Women’s Dinner is Friday night. The men will serve and all are welcome. Finally, lower right, a distinguished-looking event under the auspices of the United Church of Canada will take place at Manor Road United on December 8. The Four Men will entertain with songs of love, hope and inspiration that Friday night. Sounds nice.