Halloween scary stuff is breaking out all over South Bayview

Any why not, it’s the time of year. Left is the detailed and compellingly scary clown on the lawn of a Sutherland Drive home off Bayview. On Leaside Community they say it is home-made. Remarkable.  Up Bayview and around the corner on Belsize Drive (upper right) we find the annual triumph of macabre fable-telling from Hayley. Tyson. Tell me a story daddy!  Scary “Stone Cold Forest” chills children, parents on Belsize  Lower right, is  the Spooktacular home of the Lamanna family on Rolph Rd. which is the winner of the Best Decorated House Award. The highly entertaining video below is the Riverdale Halloween Show held annually on October 31 on Howland Rd between Langley and Victor Aves. “It’s like an Amish barn raising, but we make theatre. I don’t know of any other neighbourhood in Toronto that does anything like this,” Sammy Ray Welch, tells Joanna Lavoie of the Beach Mirror. Worth a read.