The Metrolinx show and tell in the rotunda of the Eglinton Centre Monday offered a warning that the single-lane status in all directions at Mt. Pleasant and Eglinton also prohibits turns for about a month. By mid-November, it appears that turns will be permitted again although single lanes will still prevail. The meeting reviewed aspects of the station locations at Mt. Pleasant and Yonge and Eglinton. The 1920s CIBC building will be recreated at Mt. Pleasant and Eglinton with many original elements although structurally it will be new. There will be three doors for the many passengers coming and going. They will be at the nearly-90 year-old portal on the corner, on Eglinton and on Mt. Pleasant. The depiction of the re-built bank continues to show the elegant Palladian window over the door. The LRT station at Yonge and Eglinton will be a new building west of Canada Square on the south side of Eglinton. Eglinton LRT station will sit to the west of Canada Square